IF … ELSE … END This is the standard language set up. It allows you to compare two numeric values in order to execute a comparison of a part of the script. You can also compare two text values. IF A>5 Execute if true … ELSE Execute if false … END Numeric comparators < less than > greater than # different from = equal to <= less than or equal to >= greater than or equal to Text comparators Is If text A is the same than text B IsNot If text A is different from text B Contains If text B contains text A ContainNot If text B doesnt contain text A Exemples IF MouseH>Objet.Right xxx ELSE xxx END IF TheName Contains "Mountains" xxx ELSE xxx END This can also be produced to test predefined booleans : IF Macintosh Message GoMac ELSE Message GoIBM END See : "Predefined variables" for more information on avalaible boolean values.